
Contact Us

Kansas City
2820 Roe Lane
Kansas City, Kansas  66103

Colorado Office
4965 Van Gordon
Wheatridge, CO 80033


Gaslight Garage


Contract Size

Jan. 2023

Date Completed

Kansas City


Project Description

At the Roaster’s Block Apartments in Kansas City, the luxury complex’s only off-street parking suffered from extensive structural deficiencies due to decades of deterioration. Located in the heart of the city’s Garment District, JRCC was able to keep the garage operational during the entire repair process providing residents continued access to this highly valuable amenity.

Previously a concrete topping was installed to mask the deteriorated structural deck. JRCC was contracted to remove the topping, perform structural repairs, and install a new topping.  JRCC worked closely with the structural engineering team to save our client over $150,000.

Ready to get started? Contact us to schedule an intro call.